Some Advanced Perl Techniques


It often happens that you need to work with only a few elements from a given list. For example, the Bedrock Library keeps information about their patrons in a large file. Each line in the file describes one patron with six colon-separated fields: a person’s name, library card number, home address, home phone number, work phone number, and number of items currently checked out. A little bit of the file looks something like this:

fred flintstone:2168:301 Cobblestone Way:555-1212:555-2121:3 
barney rubble:709918:3128 Granite Blvd:555-3333:555-3438:0

One of the library’s applications needs only the card numbers and number of items checked out; it doesn’t use any of the other data. You could use something like this to get only the fields you need:

while (<$fh>) { 
    my @items = split /:/;
    my($card_num, $count) = ($items[1], $items[5]); ... # now work with those two variables

But you don’t need the array @items for anything else; it seems like a waste. Maybe it
would be better for you to assign the result of split to a list of scalars, like this:

my($name, $card_num, $addr, $home, $work, $count) = split /:/;

That avoids the unneeded array @items—but now you have four scalar variables that you don’t really need. For this situation, some people make up a number of dummy variable names, like $dummy_1, that shows they really don’t care about that element from the split. But Larry thought that was too much trouble, so he added a special use of undef. If you use undef as an item in a list you’re assigning to, Perl simply ignores the corresponding element of the source list:

my(undef, $card_num, undef, undef, undef, $count) = split /:/;

Is this any better? Well, it has the advantage that you don’t use any unneeded variables. But it has the disadvantage that you have to count undefs to tell which element is $count. And this becomes quite unwieldy if there are more elements in the list. For example, some people who wanted just the mtime value from stat would write code like this:

my(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $mtime) = stat $some_file;

If you use the wrong number of undefs, you get the atime or ctime by mistake, and that’s a tough one to debug. There’s a better way: Perl can index into a list as if it were an array. This is a list slice. Here, since the mtime is item 9 in the list returned by stat, you can get it with a subscript:

my $mtime = (stat $some_file)[9];

Those parentheses are required around the list of items (in this case, the return value from stat). If you wrote it like this, it wouldn’t work:

my $mtime = stat($some_file)[9]; # Syntax error!

Going back to the Bedrock Library, the list you work with is the return value from split. You can now use a slice to pull out item 1 and item 5 with subscripts:

my $card_num = (split /:/)[1]; 
my $count = (split /:/)[5];

Using a scalar-context slice like this (pulling just a single element from the list) isn’t bad, but it would be more efficient and simpler if you don’t have to do the split twice. So let’s not do it twice; let’s get both values at once by using a list slice in list context:

my($card_num, $count) = (split /:/)[1, 5];

A slice is often the simplest way to pull a few items from a list. Here, you can pull just the first and last items from a list, using the fact that index –1 means the last element:

my($first, $last) = (sort @names)[0, –1];

The subscripts of a slice may be in any order and may even repeat values. This example pulls 5 items from a list of 10:

my @names = qw{ zero one two three four five six seven eight nine }; 
my @numbers = ( @names )[ 9, 0, 2, 1, 0 ];
print "Bedrock @numbers\n"; # says Bedrock nine zero two one zero
Array Slice

That previous example could be made even simpler. When slicing elements from an array (as opposed to a list), the parentheses aren’t needed. So we could have done the slice like this:

my @numbers = @names[ 9, 0, 2, 1, 0 ];

This isn’t merely a matter of omitting the parentheses; this is actually a different notation for accessing array elements: an array slice. In Chapter List and Arrays, we said that the at sign on @names meant “all of the elements.” Actually, in a linguistic sense, it’s more like a plural marker, much like the letter “s” in words like “cats” and “dogs.” In Perl, the dollar sign means there’s just one of something, but the at sign means there’s a list of items.

A slice is always a list, so the array slice notation uses an at sign to indicate that. And you can use the slice in one place where you can’t use a list. You can interpolate a slice directly into a string:

my @names = qw{ zero one two three four five six seven eight nine }; 
print "Bedrock @names[ 9, 0, 2, 1, 0 ]\n";

Let’s go back to the Bedrock Library for a moment. Maybe now your program is updating Mr. Slate’s address and phone number in the patron file because he just moved into a large new place in the Hollyrock Hills. If you have a list of information about him in @items, you could do something like this to update just those two elements of the array:

my $new_home_phone = "555-6099";
my $new_address = "99380 Red Rock West"; 
@items[2, 3] = ($new_address, $new_home_phone);

Once again, the array slice makes a more compact notation for a list of elements. In this case, that last line is the same as an assignment to ($items[2], $items[3]), but more compact and efficient.

Hash Slice

In a way exactly analogous to an array slice, you can also slice some elements from a hash in a hash slice. Remember when three of your characters went bowling, and you kept their bowling scores in the %score hash? You could pull those scores with a list of hash elements or with a slice. These two techniques are equivalent, although the second is more concise and efficient:

my @three_scores = ($score{"barney"}, $score{"fred"}, $score{"dino"});
my @three_scores = @score{ qw/ barney fred dino/ };

A slice is always a list, so the hash slice notation uses an at sign to indicate that. The curly braces mean that you’re indexing into a hash; the at sign means that you’re getting a whole list of elements, not just a single one (which is what the dollar sign would mean).

As you saw with array slices, a hash slice may be used instead of the corresponding list of elements from the hash, anywhere within Perl. So you can set your friends’ bowling scores in the hash (without disturbing any other elements in the hash) in this simple way:

my @players = qw/ barney fred dino /; 
my @bowling_scores = (195, 205, 30); 
@score{ @players } = @bowling_scores;

That last line does the same thing as if you had assigned to the three-element list ($score{"barney"}, $score{"fred"}, $score{"dino"}).

A hash slice may be interpolated, too. Here, you print out the scores for your favorite bowlers:

print "Tonight's players were: @players\n"; 
print "Their scores were: @score{@players}\n";

Trapping Errors

Using eval

Sometimes, your ordinary, everyday code can cause a fatal error in your program. Each of these typical statements could crash a program:

my $barney = $fred / $dino; # divide-by-zero error?
my $wilma = '[abc';
print "match\n" if /\A($wilma)/; # illegal regular expression error?

open my $caveman, '<', $fred # user-generated error from die? 
    or die "Can't open file '$fred' for input: $!";

You could go to some trouble to catch some of these, but it’s hard to get them all. How could you check the string $wilma to ensure it makes a valid regular expression? Fortunately, Perl provides a simple way to catch fatal errors—you can wrap the code in an eval block:

eval { $barney = $fred / $dino };

Now, even if $dino is zero, that line won’t crash your program. As soon as the eval encounters a normally fatal error, it stops the entire block and continues with the rest of the program. Notice that semicolon after the eval block. The eval is actually an expression (not a control structure, like while or foreach) so you need that semicolon at the end of the block.

The return value of the eval is the last evaluated expression, just like a subroutine. Instead of putting $barney on the inside of the eval, you could assign it the result of the eval, which allows you to declare $barney in the scope outside the eval:

my $barney = eval { $fred / $dino }

If that eval catches an error, it returns undef. You can use the defined-or operator to set a default value, such as NaN (“Not a Number”):

use 5.010;
my $barney = eval { $fred / $dino } // 'NaN';

When a normally fatal error happens during the execution of an eval block, the block is done running, but the program doesn’t crash.

When an eval finishes, you want to know whether it exited normally or whether it caught a fatal error. If the eval caught a fatal error, it returns undef and puts the error message in the $@ special variable, perhaps something like: Illegal division by zero at my_program line 12. If there was no error, $@ will be empty. Of course, that means $@ is a useful Boolean (true/false) value, true if there was an error. You sometimes see code like this after an eval block:

use 5.010;
my $barney = eval { $fred / $dino } // 'NaN'; 
print "I couldn't divide by \$dino: $@" if $@;

You can also check the return value, but only if you expect it to be defined if it works. In fact, you should prefer this form to the previous example if it works for your situation:

unless( eval { $fred / $dino } ) {
    print "I couldn't divide by \$dino: $@" if $@; 

Sometimes the part that you want to test has no meaningful return value even on success, so you can add one yourself. If the eval catches a failure, it won’t get the final statement, which is just 1 in this case:

unless( eval { some_sub(); 1 } ) {
    print "I couldn't divide by \$dino: $@" if $@; 

In list context, a failed eval returns an empty list. In this line, @averages only gets two elements if the eval fails, because the eval doesn’t contribute anything to the list:

my @averages = ( 2/3, eval { $fred / $dino }, 22/7 );

The eval block is just like every other Perl block, so it makes a new scope for lexical (my) variables and you can have as many statements as you like. Here’s an eval block hard at work guarding against many potential fatal errors:

foreach my $person (qw/ fred wilma betty barney dino pebbles /) { 
    eval {
        open my $fh, '<', $person
            or die "Can't open file '$person': $!";
        my($total, $count);
        while (<$fh>) { 
            $total += $_; 
        my $average = $total/$count;
        print "Average for file $person was $average\n";
        &do_something($person, $average); 
    if ($@) {
            print "An error occurred ($@), continuing\n";

The eval protects the call to the mysteriously named &do_some thing subroutine against fatal errors. This feature is handy if you have to call a sub- routine written by someone else, and you don’t know whether they’ve coded defensively enough to avoid crashing your program. Some people purposely use die to signal problems because they expect you to use eval to handle it.

You can also nest eval blocks inside other eval blocks without Perl getting confused. The inner eval traps errors in its block, keeping them from reaching the outer blocks. Of course, after the inner eval finishes, if it caught an error you may wish to repost the error by using die, thereby letting the outer eval catch it. You could change the code to catch an error in the division separately:

foreach my $person (qw/ fred wilma betty barney dino pebbles /) { 
    eval {
        open my $fh, '<', $person
            or die "Can't open file '$person': $!";
        my($total, $count);
        while (<$fh>) { 
            $total += $_; 
        my $average = eval { $total/$count } // 'NaN';
        print "Average for file $person was $average\n";
        &do_something($person, $average); 
    if ($@) {
        print "An error occurred ($@), continuing\n";

There are four kinds of problems that eval can’t trap. The first group are syntax errors in the literal source, such as mismatched quotes, missing semicolons, missing operands, or invalid literal regular expressions.

The perl compiler catches those errors as it parses the source and stops its work before it starts to run the program. The eval can only catch errors once your Perl code is actually running.

The second group are the very serious errors that crash perl itself, such as running out of memory or getting an untrapped signal. This sort of error abnormally shuts down the perl interpreter itself, and since perl isn’t running, there’s no way it can trap these errors. Some of these errors are listed with an (X) code on the perldiag documentation, if you’re curious.

The third problem group that an eval block can’t trap are warnings, either user- generated ones (from warn), or Perl’s internally generated warnings from the -w command-line option or the use warnings pragma.There’s a separate mechanism apart from eval for trapping warnings; see the explanation of the __WARN__ pseudo signal in the Perl documentation for the details.

The last sort of error isn’t really an error, but this is a good place to note it. The exit operator terminates the program at once, even if you call it from a subroutine inside an eval block. When you call exit, you expect and intend for your program to stop. That’s what’s supposed to happen, and as such, eval doesn’t prevent it from doing its work.

We should also mention that there’s another form of eval that can be dangerous if it’s mishandled. In fact, you sometimes run across someone who will say that you shouldn’t use eval in your code for security reasons. They’re (mostly) right that you should use eval only with great care, but they’re talking about the other form of eval, sometimes called “eval of a string”. That eval takes a string, compiles it as Perl code, then executes that code just as if you had typed it directly into your program. Notice that the result of any string interpolation has to be valid Perl code:

my $operator = 'unlink'; 
eval "$operator \@files;";

If the keyword eval doesn’t come directly before a block of code in curly braces, as you saw for most of this section, there’s no need to worry—that’s the safe kind of eval.

More Advanced Error Handling

Different languages naturally handle errors in their own way, but a popular concept is the exception. You try some code and if anything goes wrong, the program throws an exception that it expects you to catch. With just basic Perl, you throw an exception with die and catch it with eval. You can inspect the value of $@ to figure out what happened:

eval { 
    die "An unexpected exception message" if $unexpected; 
    die "Bad denominator" if $dino == 0;
    $barney = $fred / $dino;
if ( $@ =~ /unexpected/ ) { 
elsif( $@ =~ /denominator/ ) {

There are many subtle problems with this sort of code, mostly based on the dynamic scope of the $@ variable. In short, since $@ is a special variable and your use of eval might be wrapped in a higher level eval (even if you don’t know about it), you need to ensure that an error you catch doesn’t interfere with errors at the higher level:

    local $@; # don't stomp on higher level errors
    eval { 
        die "An unexpected exception message" if $unexpected; 
        die "Bad denominator" if $dino == 0;
        $barney = $fred / $dino;
    if ( $@ =~ /unexpected/ ) { 
    elsif( $@ =~ /denominator/ ) {

That’s not the whole story though, and it’s a really tricky problem that’s easy to get wrong. The Try::Tiny module solves most of this problem for you (and explains it too, if you really need to know). It’s not included in the Standard Library, but you can get it from CPAN. The basic form looks like this:

use Try::Tiny;
try {
    #...; # some code that might throw errors 
catch {
    #...; # some code to handle the error 
finally { 

The try acts like the eval you just saw. The construct runs the catch block only if there was an error. It always runs the finally block, allowing you to do any cleanup you’d like to do. You don’t need to have the catch or the finally, either. To simply ignore errors, you can just use the try:

my $barney = try { $fred / $dino };

You can use catch to handle the error. Instead of messing with $@, Try::Tiny puts the error message in $_. You can still access $@, but part of Try::Tiny’s purpose is to prevent the abuse of $@:

use 5.010;
my $barney =
    try { $fred / $dino } 
    catch {
        say "Error was $_"; # not $@ 

The finally block runs in either case: if there was an error or not. If it has arguments in @_, there was an error:

use 5.010;
my $barney =
    try { $fred / $dino } 
    catch {
        say "Error was $_"; # not $@ 
    finally {
        say @_ ? 'There was an error' : 'Everything worked'; 

Starting with 5.10.1, Perl comes with autodie, a pragma that gives you more control over how you handle errors in your program. For most of this book, you checked for errors and used die when you found them, as in this call to open:

open my $fh, '>', $filename or
    die "Couldn't open $filename for writing: $!";

That looks fine on its own, but do you really want to do that every time you use open? What about all of the other built-ins that interact with the system and might fail? Instead of typing that “or die ...” business every time, you can let autodie add it automatically:

use autodie;
open my $fh, '>', $filename; # still dies on error

If this fails, you get the error message you might have chosen yourself:

Can't open '/does/not/exist' for writing: 'No such file or directory'

The autodie module applies this magic to a default set of Perl built-ins, which is most of the operators that deal with files, file handles, interprocess communication, and sockets. You can control which operators you apply autodie to by specifying them in the import list:

use autodie qw( open system :socket );

When autodie throws an error, it puts an autodie::exception object in $@, which you can inspect to figure out what sort of error you caught. The example from Paul Fenwick’s autodie documentation uses a given-when to figure out what happened:

use 5.010;
open my $fh, '>', $filename; # still dies on error
given ($@) { 
    when (undef) { say "No error"; }
    when ('open') { say "Error from open"; }
    when (':io') { say "Non-open, IO error."; }
    when (':all') { say "All other autodie errors." }
    default { say "Not an autodie error at all." }

You might combine autodie with Try::Tiny:

use 5.010;
use autodie; 
use Try::Tiny;
try {
    open my $fh, '>', $filename; # still dies on error 
catch {
    when( 'open' ) { say 'Got an open error' } 

Picking Items from a List with grep

Sometimes you want only certain items from a list; maybe it’s only the odd numbers from a list of numbers, or maybe it’s only the lines mentioning Fred from a file of text. As you see in this section, picking some items from a list can be done simply with the grep operator.

Try this first one and get the odd numbers from a large list of numbers. You don’t need anything new to do that:

my @odd_numbers;
foreach (1..1000) {
    push @odd_numbers, $_ if $_ % 2;

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that code as it stands—except that it’s a little longer to write and slower to run than it might be, since Perl provides the grep operator to act as a filter:

my @odd_numbers = grep { $_ % 2 } 1..1000;

That line gets a list of 500 odd numbers in one quick line of code. How does it work? The first argument to grep is a block that uses $_ as a placeholder for each item in the list, and returns a Boolean (true/false) value. The remaining arguments are the list of items to search through. The grep operator will evaluate the expression once for each item in the list, much as your original foreach loop did. For the ones where the last
expression of the block returns a true value, that element is included in the list that results from grep.

While the grep is running, Perl aliases $_ to one element of the list after another. You saw this behavior before, in the foreach loop. It’s generally a bad idea to modify $_ inside the grep expression because this will change the original data, too.

The grep operator shares its name with a classic Unix utility that picks matching lines from a file by using regular expressions. You can do that with Perl’s grep, which is much more powerful. Here you select only the lines mentioning fred from a file:

my @matching_lines = grep { /\bfred\b/i } <$fh>;

There’s a simpler syntax for grep, too. If all you need for the selector is a simple expression (rather than a whole block), you can just use that expression, followed by a comma, in place of the block. Here’s the simpler way to write that latest example:

my @matching_lines = grep /\bfred\b/i, <$fh>;

The grep operator also has a special scalar context mode in which it can tell you how many items it selected. What if you only wanted to count the matching lines from a file and you didn’t care about the lines yourself? You could do that after you created the @matching_lines array:

my @matching_lines = grep /\bfred\b/i, <$fh>; 
my $line_count = @matching_lines;

You can skip the intermediate array though (so you don’t have to create that array and take up memory) by assigning to the scalar directly:

my $line_count = grep /\bfred\b/i, <$fh>;

Transforming Items from a List with map

Instead of a filter, you might want to change every item in a list. For example, suppose you have a list of numbers that should be formatted as “money numbers” for output, as with the subroutine &big_money from Chapter Strings and Sorting. You don’t want to modify the original data; you need a modified copy of the list just for output. Here’s one way to do that:

my @data = (4.75, 1.5, 2, 1234, 6.9456, 12345678.9, 29.95); 
my @formatted_data;
foreach (@data) {
    push @formatted_data, &big_money($_);

That looks similar in form to the example code used at the beginning of the previous section on grep, doesn’t it? So it may not surprise you that the replacement code resembles the first grep example:

my @data = (4.75, 1.5, 2, 1234, 6.9456, 12345678.9, 29.95);
my @formatted_data = map { &big_money($_) } @data;

The map operator looks much like grep because it has the same kind of arguments: a block that uses $_, and a list of items to process. And it operates in a similar way, evaluating the block once for each item in the list, with $_ aliased to a different original list element each time. But map uses the last expression of the block differently; instead of giving a Boolean value, the final value actually becomes part of the resulting list. One other important difference is that the expression used by map is evaluated in a list context and may return any number of items, not necessarily one each time.

You can rewrite any grep or map statement as a foreach loop pushing items onto a temporary array. But the shorter way is typically more efficient and more convenient. Since the result of map or grep is a list, it can be passed directly to another function. Here we can print that list of formatted “money numbers” as an indented list under a heading:

print "The money numbers are:\n",
map { sprintf("%25s\n", $_) } @formatted_data;

Of course, you could have done that processing all at once, without even the temporary array @formatted_data:

my @data = (4.75, 1.5, 2, 1234, 6.9456, 12345678.9, 29.95); 
print "The money numbers are:\n", 
    map { sprintf("%25s\n", &big_money($_) ) } @data;

As you saw with grep, there’s also a simpler syntax for map. If all you need for the selector is a simple expression (rather than a whole block), you can just use that expression, followed by a comma, in place of the block:

print "Some powers of two are:\n",
    map "\t" . ( 2 ** $_ ) . "\n", 0..15;

Fancier List Utilities

The List::Util module comes with the Standard Library and provides high-performance versions of common list processing utilities. These are implemented at the C level.

Suppose you wanted to know if a list contains an item that matches some condition. You don’t need to get all of the elements, and you want to stop once you find the first matching element. You can’t use grep because it always scans the entire list, and if your list is very long the grep might do a lot of extra, unnecessary work:

my $first_match; 
foreach (@characters) {
    if (/\bPebbles\b/i) { 
        $first_match = $_; 

That’s a lot of code. Instead, you can use the first subroutine from List::Util(similar to C#'s LINQ):

use List::Util qw(first);
my $first_match = first { /\bPebbles\b/i } @characters;

In the Exercises for Chapter Subroutines, you created the &total subroutine. If you knew about List::Util, you wouldn’t have done so much work:

use List::Util qw(sum);
my $total = sum( 1..1000 ); # 500500

Also in Chapter Subroutine, the &max subroutine did a lot of work to select the largest item from a list. You don’t actually need to create that yourself since List::Util’s version can do it for you:

use List::Util qw(max);
my $max = max (3, 5, 10, 4, 6);

That max deals with numbers only. If you wanted to do it with strings (using string comparisons), you use maxstr instead:

use List::Util qw(maxstr);
my $max = maxstr( @strings );

If you want to randomize the order of elements in a list, you can use shuffle:

use List::Util qw(shuffle);
my @shuffled = shuffle(1..1000); # randomized order of elements

There’s another module, List::MoreUtils, that has even more fancy subroutines. This one does not come with Perl so you need to install it from CPAN. You can check if no, any, or all elements of a list match a condition. Each of these subroutines has the same block syntax of grep:

use List::MoreUtils qw(none any all);
if (none { $_ > 100 } @numbers) { 
    print "No elements over 100\n"
} elsif (any { $_ > 50 } @numbers) { 
    print "Some elements over 50\n";
} elsif (all { $_ < 10 } @numbers) {
    print "All elements are less than 10\n"; 

If you want to deal with the list in groups of items, you can use the natatime (N at a time) to handle that for you:

use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime);
my $iterator = natatime 3, @array; 
while( my @triad = $iterator->() ) {
    print "Got @triad\n"; 

If you need to combine two or more lists, you can use mesh to create the large list that interweaves all of the elements, even if the small arrays are not the same length:

use List::MoreUtils qw(mesh);
my @abc = 'a' .. 'z';
my @numbers = 1 .. 20;
my @dinosaurs = qw( dino );
my @large_array = mesh @abc, @numbers, @dinosaurs;

This takes the first element of @abc and makes it the first element of @large_array, then takes the first element of @numbers to make it the next element of @large_array, and then does the same with @dinosaurs. It then goes back to @family to get its next element, and so on through all of the elements. The start of the resulting list in @large_array is:
a 1 dino b 2 c 3
There are many more useful and interesting subroutines in List::MoreUtils. Before you
try to recreate what it already does, check its documentation.


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